Public transport information and communication technology TA-7556 (MON)

In 2011 Intec was involved in a  Technical Assistance (TA) project which included Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) systems and Integrated Circuit Card (ICC)-ticketing system. Intec was engaged to develop and deliver a feasibility study on these systems for use in Mongolia.

The project was  funded by the Asian Development Bank  and was led by Korean company Daeyeong Ubitec. Intec was successfully chosen to deliver services as a locally-based support team.

Intec conducted analysis on the current situation in the public transport services sector, the policy and regulations governing the sector and the existing financial and IT infrastructure to support the sector. This involved significant stakeholder engagement with organisations ranging from bus companies, government agencies, investment banks and major IT companies. From the analysis, Intec designed a process system and implementation plan for the systems. Additionally Intec provided Daeyeong with analysis and funding models to implement the project.

Intec played a key role in developing this project, having arranged all the meetings, completed a ridership survey, translation of documents and gathered data and arranged seminars at the inception, midterm and completion of the project.